Sleat Community Council meeting 7th February

Added by Rob Ware at 14:51 on 30 January 2023

A reminder that the next Sleat Community Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th February at 1930 in the Sleat Free Church Hall. Much has been spoken and written about the condition of Skye's roads in the past days so we endeavour to get an update on the works planned for Sleat for the rest ...

Changes to Membership of Sleat Community Council

Added on 24 December 2022

Tim Shone, Chair of Sleat Community Council announced on Friday 23rd December 2022 a number of changes to the membership of the community council here in Sleat. "I am delighted to advise that three much respected members of our commuity have agreed to become Co-opted Members of the Council. Kat...

The next SCC meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th October, venue TBC

Added on 04 September 2022

Due to holiday and personal committments in September the next meeting of the Community Council will take place on Tuesday 4th October 2022 at 1930 in Ardvasar Hall. For further information or to raise an agenda item please email