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Sleat Community Council

Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Shlèite

Planning Applications for the Sleat area from 1st January 2020

With effect from 1st January 2020 we have shown here the direct links to all new Planning Applications submitted to the Highland Council for any site within the Sleat Community Council area. Applications prior to this are shown on the 2012-2019 page. This will ensure that there is a central location for all items, but particularly those that may have a more significant impact on residents such as applications for wind turbines, aquaculture development, and public utilities projects. Generally the Community Council would not need to comment on the majority of applications, but will offer support or advice to Sleat residents if it is approached. In the first instance please email on




























































































































































  • 23/05223/LBC | Proposal to install a new wood burning stove to small cafe space and associated external metal flue, changes to internal screen siting behind carriage doors | Clan Donald Centre Armadale Castle Ardvasar Isle Of Skye IV45 8RS

























