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Sleat Community Council

Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Shlèite

Sleat Local Place Plan 2024

A Local Place Plan is a community-led document that aims to easily convey a community’s proposals for the development or use of land and buildings in their local area.

Introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 (external link), Local Place Plans are a way for community councils or community-controlled bodies to engage with their local community, to think about how to make their place better, to agree priorities, and to take action (often working with others).

For information on the stages of Local Place Plan preparation, from draft, to proposed, to finalised, and then to registered, read our Local Place Plan Preparation Flow Chart.

For information on the Government requirements for Local Place Plans, plus the things that we ask for to aid the Local Place Plan validation process, read our Local Place Plan Template Guidance.'

Highland Council.

Members have agreed that Sleat will adopt a Local Place Plan for the area by September 2024.

Andy Williamson, chair of SCC adds.

'The Local Place Plan is a result of the Planning Act (Scotland) 2019. It gives communities the right to develop a plan about the place that they live to help guide future planning decisions. The formal role of this document is entirely about planning but, in reality, it’s an opportunity to create an aspirational document about what we want our community to look like. This is an opportunity for us to look at how we want to see Sleat developing in the next five to 10 years - our aspirations for housing, jobs, the environment, young people and for public services. A Local Place Plan can serve as a blueprint for the community.

The plan has to be submitted to Council by the end of September, which is a very tight deadline. I’m proposing we develop a plan through an inclusive, participatory approach, we can't just put out a survey and the Act insists that the plan is community generated, comes from the heart of the community through a number of events we hold with communities and key stakeholders. SCC will work with key partners and stakeholders, including Sleat Community Trust, and above all residents, businesses and organisations.

To read an initial brief click this link.

