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Welcome to the website of the Sleat Community Council, serving the people of Sleat, in the Isle of Skye.


Sleat Community Council Election Results 19th March 2024


Information on the election for a new community council for Sleat dated 5th February 2024

Officials and the four Elected Members representing Ward 10 Eilean a' Cheo have welcomed the news that 13 candidates from Sleat have nominated themselves to become community councillors in the forthcoming interim election. Those who wish to be in the postal ballot are now required to submit a short 75 word Candidate Statement expressing why they would like to be a member of a new Sleat Community Council which will have a term of office until Autumn 2027. This must be received by the Council via an e-form by 1200 on Tuesday 6th Feb (tomorrow).

Nominees have the option to withdraw and need also to submit in writing that desire by 1200 tomorrow.

(At the close of the withdrawal period, should the number of candidates validly nominated equal or exceed HALF, but be less than or equal to the total maximum permitted membership  the said candidates will be declared elected from this date and no ballot shall be held).

Ballot papers including the candidate statements of each nominee going forward will be posted to each person on the electoral roll in Sleat on Tuesday 20th February with the election day being held on 19th March. All ballot papers must be returned by 1200 that day.

Members of the public can vote for up to 8 nominees in the ballot, if held, and are encouraged to cast their votes to ensure Sleat will be in a position to form a new community council after 19th March. There are some significant challenges ahead including producing a new Local Place Plan and contributing to a new Highland Wide Local Development Plan, cuts to public services including roads, housing needs, public transport which includes a new ferries contract for the west coast, health and social care, the environment and biodiversity, renewable energy, Gaelic language and culture and education to name but a few.

A new Sleat Community Council is YOUR community council, please play your part to help ensure new councIl can be formed in 2024.





Public information message from former members of Sleat Community Council  dated 12th October 2023

‘Sleat to be without a community council’.

Seven nominations were received for the election of a new Community Council for Sleat. This is enough to form a new council but not to fill all the places and, as a result, no election is needed.


Unfortunately, one of those self-nominating is a former community council member who was removed in January 2023 because of non-attendance. Before his removal, this individual’s disruptive behaviour and sustained abuse made the community council dysfunctional and caused significant distress for other members. As a result, the other six candidates have withdrawn their nominations and no community council can be formed at this time.


The unanimous decision to withdraw is not all about this individual. This is about what Sleat needs; the next four years will see major challenges and significant issues being tackled. From wind farms and tourist taxes to the need to develop a new Local Place Plan and to contribute to the forthcoming Highland Local Development Plan. Sleat needs a voice in Highland Council and beyond. We need a strong Community Council working together to support all the community, working together in its best interests.


Tim Shone, previous Chair of the community council and one of those withdrawing their nominations said, “None of us are prepared to see a repeat of the council’s last term. We need to be strong and united in the challenging times ahead.”


The withdrawal of candidates will see an interim election held in early 2024. Meanwhile, the six nominees, including four current community councillors, intend to provide a service to the community and maintain the strong relationships that have been formed through many years of hard work. The group plans to hold a public meeting as soon as the arrangements are finalised. Sleat residents will be invited to join them and contribute to the community's future.


An electronic copy of this statement can be found at the link below.

Further information will be available in due course.

Sleat Community Council is now in abeyance.






Fàilte gu làrach-lìn na Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Shlèite a 'frithealadh muinntir Shlèite ann an ceann a deas an Eilein Sgitheanaich.

Updates on services, information and community support are also available on our Facebook page here.

If you do not have access to Facebook or Twitter please email us at:

On our Meetings, Agendas and Minutes and News pages we publish the activities of the Council, serving the people of Sleat.

Our aim is to show here information that is relevant to the community and the site is intended to be the focal point for all of the issues for Sleat that the Council is asked to have an interest in. We look forward to hearing from you.

Air ar Coinneamhan, clàran-gnothaich agus geàrr-chunntas agus na duilleagan Naidheachdan sinn a 'foillseachadh an gnìomhan na Comhairle, a' frithealadh muinntir Shlèite. 'S e ar n-amas seo a' sealltainn fiosrachadh a tha a 'buntainn don choimhearsnachd agus an làrach air an dùil a bhith aig cridhe a h-uile de na cùisean airson an Slèite a tha a' Chomhairle ag iarraidh air a bheil ùidh ann. Tha sinn a 'coimhead air adhart ri cluinntinn bhuat.

The Council was convened in January 2012, following elections in November 2011, with 8 Councillors,  and an Associate Member, including Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, and is the conduit between the community of Sleat and the many agencies and service providers including the Highland Council, Transport organisations, the Scottish Government, the Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association and many more.

New elections took place in Autumn 2015 for the next term of office. Five Councillors  make up the new Community Council which first convened in January 2016. Two co-opted Councillors are on the Sleat Community Council.

The current Community Council took office on 7th January 2020 with members shown below from the uncontested process that saw five residents people become members. The term of office will be from January 2020 to October 2023.

In January 2023 three new co-opted members joined the Community Council who will serve until the next Highland elections which will be held in the autumn.

In October 2023 seven nominations were received by the Highland Council to serve on the new Community Council to be sworn in by Council officials in January 2024

Notice of uncontested election showing 7 nominated councillors. Nominations 2024-2027

The Councillors will warmly welcome comments and feedback on this  website, and will be happy to add pages or make changes as required.

Please use the Contact Us page to get in touch or email us directly at:

Tha Nì Comhairlichean cur fàilte chridheil air beachdan agus beachd air a làrach-lìn seo, agus bidh e toilichte Cuir duilleagan no atharrachaidhean a dhèanamh mar a dh'fheumar. Chan eil a 'cleachdadh an duilleag Fios Thugainn brath a chur thugainn no post-dealain thugainn dìreach aig:
