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A litter free Scotland

Added on 09 July 2013

Towards a Litter-Free Scotland: Consultation on a strategy to tackle and prevent litter and flytipping


The Scottish Government has published its draft National Litter Strategy for consultation.  This focuses on action that will help prevent litter and illegal dumping.  It encourages people to take greater personal responsibility, and includes support for organisations to help solve the problem.  The consultation sets out how we intend to:


•             Help people understand why binning waste responsibly matters

•             Make it easy for people to do so

•             Highlight that littering and flytipping are socially unacceptable.


You can view the consultation on the Scottish Government website.

We are inviting written responses by 27 September 2013. Early responses are appreciated. Responses by e-mail should be sent to:

A consultation event is expected to be held at Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, on 30 August. If you would like to attend or receive more details when they are available please email the ‘EQ CAT’ mailbox above.


This consultation links with a consultation on proposals to create cleaner coastlines by tackling marine litter.  You can read details of both within our news release.


Rachel Hanna

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