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Meeting with Scottish Water

Added on 16 April 2013

Members of the Sleat Community Council met last night with senior managers of Scottish Water together with other represenatives of the Sleat community, including the Trust, the crofters, Grazings Committees and SMO. This was the planned follow-up meeting from February to discuss the water supply, the Teangue road and a number of other issues. The Council felt that the meeting was useful and productive and gave SW the opportunity to hear the on-going concerns and their plans to address the key issues. We have agreed to meet again in July for a further review and we will continue to update the Sleat community through these web pages and at the next CC meeting in May. Please get in touch if you have a specific item or need further information. The SW website is still available to residents to report any issues with their own supply, whether this is due to colour, smell, pressure or any other item of concern.

< Minutes from SCC Meeting 2nd AprilApril Newsletter from Dave Thompson MSP >