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Sleat Community Council

Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Shlèite

NHS Single site hospital, comments from the Ward Forum

Added on 20 March 2013

We had the key points from the feedback on the presentation from NHS Highland about the single site hospital dialogue of recent weeks. These are shown below:

·         There is recognition that the focus should be on provision of a high quality facility and that discussion should not get sidetracked on the issue of ‘where’.  So we should be aiming for the top and scoping to get the very best hospital with the very best services (Portree & Braes Community Council)

·         Need to enhancing out of hours and emergency cover – and response (Waternish Community Council)

·         Is one site achievable given the scope and range of service to be provided? (Skeabost Community Council)

·         Transport issues for patients and visitors (Kyleakin and Kylerhea Community Council)

·         Timescales (Dunvegan Community Council)

·         Site identification (Sconser Community Council)

·         The need to strive to keep existing services and add to these.  Special plea made to address mental health provision (Sleat Community Council)

For the presentation from the NHS Manager click here
