Public Transport Consultation, Autumn 2015
Added on 09 October 2015
The Highland Council is seeking views on the future provision of school, public and dial-a-bus transport services across the region.
A series of public consultation meetings will be taking place across the Highlands to discuss with communities their needs and views to ensure that the transport services to be purchased by The Highland Council for the future can best meet the needs of the area within the budget available.
Everyone is welcome to attend these public consultation meetings, including individuals, representatives from community groups and Community Councils, public and community transport providers, and businesses. The schedule of meetings is attached and The Council would be very grateful if your Community Council could circulate this information as widely as appropriate in your area. Further information can be found at:
A series of supplier briefing events will also be held across the Highlands to provide information to current and prospective suppliers (community and commercial sectors) of the procurement process and the key steps they must take to be able to participate. Further information can be found at:
Please contact if you have any questions.
For Sleat, the public meeting will be held on Monday 26th October between 1400-1600 at the Broadford Hotel. All are welcome to attend.