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SCC Meeting 4th February

Added on 16 February 2014

The minutes of the SCC meeting held on 4th February are now on the Agendas and Minutes page. This was predominantly  the issues with Scottish Water. 

We have received this email from Joanna Peebles following the session with Scottish Water.

Good afternoon, following on from the community council meeting at the beginning of February I am writing to let you know that Scottish Water contractors will be visible to the community the week beginning 17th February.  We will have people both at the treatment works and on the zone.  This is to enable them to carry out the flow and pressure tests that Neil made everyone aware of at the meeting.

Loggers will be put onto the system for approximately 7 days the week beginning 17th February.  The week beginning the 24th February we will start the testing, this will involve drawing off water in a controlled manner near to the college and monitoring the network via the loggers  and by observation.  There will also be visibility of people at our treatment works although not involved with the loggers they will be relocating equipment within the plant.

If you require any further information please contact me direct.  If there is anyone else that I should be contacting can you please forward me their email address.



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