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Service Point Closures

Added on 27 February 2014

Customer Services Review 2, Highland Council

You may be aware that the SCC only learnt on February 19th that the Highland Council an undertaken a review of Service Points in the HC area and this was to be debated by the Finance, Housing and Resources Committee just seven days later on the 26th of February. As a result Roddy Murray, Chair of SCC,  urgently convened a num ber of Community Councillors from Skye and Lochalsh to discuss the report that has called for 23 of the 35 Service Points in the HC region to be closed.  The facilities at Kyle and Broadford are scheduled to be closed. As a result of the meeting a letter outlining opposition to the closures and the process by which it was to be 'rushed through' the Council was issued and circulated to all 22 members of the Committee and a number of other parties. This letter can be seen here.

The debate took place on 26th February and after 2 1/2 hours the motion to agreeing to the points in the Review was passed by 13-9 votes. The broadcast of this heated debate in Inverness can be found here.

The Community Council has voiced its concerns at the outcome of the vote and this will certainl be followed by a sustained period of lobbying to have the motion debated by the full Council in March given the controversy of the issue. We will update at the next meeting on 4th March.

The full 170 page report can be seen in the external link below.

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