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Sleat Community Council

Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Shlèite

Skye Ward Forum, Portree, 29th October

Added on 11 October 2012

The next Ward Forum will take place on Monday 29th October from 2.00 –
4.00 pm in Tigh na Sgire.  The topic will be Community Safety with
Chief Superintendent Julian Innes attending to outline the change to
the single Police Service and how this could affect Policing on Skye.
The Fire and Rescue Service will also be in attendance.

For the forum agenda click here

The Forum will follow the new format previously outlined.  The Chairof each Community Council (please nominate a substitute if the Chairis unable to attend) is invited as a full member of the Ward Forum.

The Ward Forum will be conducted as a formal meeting held in public
with discussion focussing on key issues affecting the communities of
Skye, who are represented at a local level by Community Councils.
Community Council representatives are therefore invited to consider
Policing issues in advance of the meeting that they may wish to raise
at the Forum.

The public are welcome to attend Ward Forums and there will be a
question and answer session at the end  of the meeting after the Forum
discussion has taken place.  
