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Sleat Community Council

Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Shlèite

SkyeLarks, the wildlife club for 6-12 year olds

Added on 21 February 2013

Attached is the latest SkyeLarks programme – the wildlife club for children.

SkyeLarks is a wildlife club based in Skye and Lochalsh for children aged 6 to 12.  We explore everything from beasties to birds and fish to fungi.  We learn about our environment and help to conserve it.  We get creative and scientific and we have lots of fun - all at the same time! The programme for 2013 is here.

See some of the things we do on our website

We are always looking for more volunteer adult leaders.  So if you are interested in environmental education, please get in touch.  Feel free to pass this on to others especially parents of budding naturalists.

Many thanks.



Jenny Grant

Skye and Lochalsh Countryside Ranger

Highland Council Planning and Development Service

Old Corry Industrial Estate


Isle of Skye

IV49 9AB


Phone: 01471 820527

Mobile: 07775411278
