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Sleat Surgery Prescriptions Service Effective 30th March

Added on 28 March 2020

Sleat Surgery Prescriptions Delivery Group

Revised Procedures for the collection and delivery of medicines from Sleat Surgery effective 30th March 2020


With the growing threat of the spread of Coronavirus-COVID19 the Sleat Community Council has been asked by NHS Highland to provide a volunteer medicines collection and delivery service for ALL patients who are registered at Sleat. For those who routinely collect Repeat Prescriptions from Broadford Pharmacy this will continue as before, although there are reduced hours at that pharmacy.

With effect from Monday 30th March ALL prescriptions for patients throughout the Sleat townships will be collected and delivered to homes by a small group of local volunteers.  This arrangement will significantly reduce the number of daily contacts between patients (or their representatives) and the Surgery reception staff, so helping to reduce the risk of infection.  New NHS regulations now restrict access to the Sleat surgery except for the volunteers collecting medicines for patients

As previously advised the order time for repeat prescriptions is now FOUR WORKING DAYS, excluding Wednesdays and weekends. A reminder that the Surgery Repeat Line is 01471 844482 so please continue to order your medicines in this way providing your Name/Date of Birth/Address and list of all the medicines you require. In the majority of cases, patients will be given 2 MONTHS supply of their medicines.


How it will work:

Once a patient has ordered the prescription via the phone line (four working days ahead) you will now be required to phone or email the PRIMARY CONTACT who represents the township area where you live on the full contact sheet shown attached. You will then advise that person that your medicines will be available for collection on a specific date based on the four-day lead time. It would be preferred if this could be done by phone directly to the volunteers.


The primary contacts for the townships are as follows:        



Aird of Sleat & Point


Fiona Jeffrey

07763 304509



Archie MacCalman

01471 844424

07449 853810



Ceit Graham

01471 833395

07913 694794


Camuscross/Isle Ornsay/Cruard   

Pete Fowler

01471 833448

07973 509387



Andrew Jones

07940 216177




David Mills

01471 855675



Carlotta Graham

01471 855221

07464 977488



Once you have advised the volunteer of the day/date that you would like your prescriptions delivered then they will record that and when that day comes, they will go to the surgery, collect your medicines and deliver them to your home.  They will ring your bell, leave the medicines on the doorstep and step back a minimum of two metres to avoid any risk of infection.  Any ‘fridge’ medication will be clearly marked and delivered to you as a priority.



As previously advised, all Sleat patients are now only being offered appointments at Broadford Surgery but please continue to phone Sleat Surgery on 01471 844283 to arrange this. Please note there will be no GP in attendance in Sleat.


We understand that patients may be concerned at the introduction of this new procedure for the collection and delivery of medicines, but it is fully necessary to minimise risk to all. Your volunteers are totally committed to providing the best possible service to our community. We are grateful for their contribution for the foreseeable future.


We ask that this message be shared as far and wide as possible by any means and if there are vulnerable residents in our communities then please ensure they, or their friends, family or carers are fully aware of the new arrangements. If you do have neighbours who do not have internet please print this letter and the contact info and put them through the door!


Sleat Community Council is pleased to assist our friends in NHS Highland to provide this new service and we thank all of them for the wonderful commitment to our community.


Stay safe


Rob Ware


On behalf of the SCC and the Sleat Surgery
