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Survey of Public Conveniences

Added on 09 September 2016

The Council is undertaking a review of how public conveniences are funded and propose to increase the number of sites where there is a charge for use. 


The Council is consulting on the amount that will be charged for the use of the public toilets and is seeking views on the level of charges from service users and other stakeholders to assist in the decision making process.  Increasing the income from the usage of the toilets could enable the Council to retain more provision.


Attached is a questionnaire and I would ask you to consider its contents and respond accordingly.  Responses are required by 30th September.  It is appreciated that you may not have a meeting scheduled prior to this date and if this is the case please provide an office bearers response. Responses received after this date may not be taken into consideration.


Responses can be emailed to or posted to the address at the bottom of the form.  Please do not respond direct to this email.


The questionnaire can also be accessed and completed online at


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