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West Highlands and Islands Local Development Plan

Added on 17 August 2017

The Highland Council have now published online all of the comments made for the final consultation for the West Highlands and Islands Local Development Plan which closed on 21st July. Shown below is the link to the relevant pages for Sleat and it is encouraging to see many local residents and organisations making views known. You will see that the site (ES01) above Knock Bay has the largest number of comments, and there are general Sleat-wide commentaries at the top of the section. These include the Community Council's submission following the special meeting held after the AGM on 27th June. You are not required to log in to the web portal to view the comments and related descriptions and maps. As we understand it this, like all other areas, will be reviewed in due course by local committees of the Highland Council and in Skye's case this is the 'Skye and Raasay Committee'. There were some late representations from one developer and should others wish to add comment these will need to sent to Late submissions may, in some cases, be inadmissible.

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