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Broadford and Strath Football

Added on 09 February 2013

We have been asked by the Broadford and Strath Footbal Club to make us aware of their recent planning application to extend facilities in Broadford that are also used by residents from Sleat. This is the message.


I am contacting you as the Secretary of Sleat & Strath ARF. We have finally managed to get our pitch project moving forward and we need everyone to support our planning application.

The project has progressed well the last 6 months, with leases confirmed, plans confirmed, and funding application away in the post. SO ALL is looking good so far!!!

Please look up the following link and make a positive comment on how beneficial this project will be for the south end of Skye.

When you do go to make a comment you need to sign up in order to make a comment. It takes a few minuets, but worth it!! :)

You can support our project via our CLub Lotto books available at the Top Shop and Scizzors.

Many thanks


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