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Community Resiience Workshops-Message from the Highland Council

Added on 19 July 2015

This email is for the attention of community groups and members of the public who may be interested in supporting their community create an Emergency Plan to implement in the case of a local incident, whether weather related or otherwise. You have been sent this email as a Member of a Community Council, Village Hall Group, Community Trust or other such Community Organisation and it would be appreciated if the information contained within can be distributed throughout your community to encourage attendance and participation in the planned events.


Following discussion at the Ward Forum in March and taking into consideration the responses gathered to gauge interest in raising awareness of Community Resilience and Planning in the event of an emergency, Highland Council working in partnership with Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations are now in a position to promote a series of events that will be of benefit to communities in the Eilean a’ Che? Ward.


In partnership with Scottish & Southern Energy and Emergency Planning agencies the following events and dates have been confirmed:


SSE Community Resilience Roadshow


The Roadshows will inform communities about the structure of Emergency Planning, funding opportunities and resources available for local groups to support Community Resilience, what should be in a community emergency plan and household plan and full details of the workshops that will support communities to establish their own emergency plan. The Roadshows last for approximately 1 hour and help participants prepare for the workshops.


Wednesday 19th August, 7pm, Dunvegan Hall

Monday 31st August, 2pm, Tigh na Sgire, Portree

Monday 31st August, 7pm, Broadford Hotel

SSE Community Resilience Workshop

The workshop model is effective by bringing members of communities together in a structured, facilitated format. This allows participants to think about the impact of emergencies and to discuss how they can work together and put plans in place to be better prepared when an emergency happens in their community.

The aim of the workshop is to identify and unlock skills, knowledge and resources held by the entire community to help make them more resilient, irrespective of the threats, hazards or risks presented to their community.


At the end of the workshop session, participants/community groups should have a draft outline of a Community Emergency Plan, focused on the requirements of their area. The workshop will last for approximately 3 hours and soup, sandwiches, tea and coffee will be provided for participants prior to the start of the session.


Wednesday 2nd September, Tigh na Sgire, Portree 6-9pm (refreshments from 5.30pm)

Thursday 3rd September, Broadford Hotel 6-9pm (refreshments from 5.30pm)


I would like to stress that this is in no way an exercise to get communities involved in taking over the statutory role of agencies in relation to Emergency Planning and is about giving them the opportunity to be involved at a local level if they so wish and the support to develop local Emergency Plans, specific to their individual communities.


Please promote this opportunity to members of the public and groups/organisations who may be interested in attending and helping to form a plan for your community.


To reserve a place at one of the Roadshows and/or one of the Workshops (it is recommended that you attend one of the Roadshows prior to attending a Workshop) please do so using one of the attached options:

See the poster here and the booking form here.

< Meeting with Scottish Water 8th JulyNew Materials for Recycling in Blue Bins >