March Ward Forum, Isle of Skye
Added on 09 February 2013
Ward Forum. The next Ward Forum will take place on Monday 18th March from 2.00 – 4.00 pm at Tigh na Sgire Portree. The headline topic for discussion will be Single Site Hospital provision for Skye and Lochalsh with Dr Paul Davidson, Clinical Director and Kate Earnshaw, District Manager, NHS Highland attending . Updates will also be provided by both the Police and Fire and Rescue Service. The Forum will follow the new format, which has proved successful, and was confirmed by the feedback from questionnaires issued at the end of the meeting. As before Community Council Chairs, as full Forum members, are invited to represent their communities as full partners in the Forum. If Chairs cannot attend then a named second is welcome to attend in their place. The Ward Forum is a formal meeting conducted in public and all are welcome to attend.