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Sleat Community Council

Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Shlèite

Meeting with the Poice

Added on 09 February 2013

A message from Liz Cowie, Highland Council Ward Manager

' I have been asked by Inspector Mairi MacInnes to invite Community Council Chairs to attend a meeting in Portree Police Station at 7.30 pm on Thursday 14th February.  The reason for the meeting is is to provide a briefing on the launch of the ‘101’single non-emergency number, to outline the changes to centralised call handling and to discuss the impact on local Policing with the advent of the Single Scottish Police Force.   I would appreciate it if you could advise Fay if you (or your nominated representative) are attending.  Inspector MacInnes apologies for the short notice for this meeting but said that the Police did want to ensure that local communities are briefed on issues ahead of public announcements.' 

< First Responders MeetingParticipate in Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights - Join the Online Discussion Wednesday 6 March 2013, 11.30am – 1pm >