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Review of Polling Districts-Highland Council

Added on 19 November 2013

There is a statutory duty on all local authorities to Review their Polling Districts and Polling Places.  The purpose of the review is to ensure reasonable facilities for voting and the accessibility of polling places to all electors, including those with a disability, so far as is reasonable and practicable.

An important part of the process, therefore, is to gather views from persons or organisations on the current Polling Districts and Polling Places in the Highland Council area.  In particular, expertise in respect of access to premises for people with different forms of disability.

Accordingly, should you wish, you are invited to make representations on these matters.  I should advise, of course, that it is normal practice to informally review the suitability of Polling Districts and Polling Places after each election event or at any time when these are brought to our attention.

I have also invited feedback from the following stakeholders within the Highland Council area:-
•             All elected members (including MPs, MSPs, MEPs and Councillors)
•             Disability and Minority Groups
•             Private Premises (used in the Elections in May 2012 as Polling Places)
•             Community Councils
•             Returning Officer

I would ask that any comments you may have on the use of alternative venues should, wherever possible, be accompanied by suggested alternative venues.

The following documents are available on the Council’s website at
  and may assist in your deliberations:-

•             Notice of the Review – Council’s website and local offices
•             Consultation Document – provides detailed information on the Review
•             Polling Scheme – Lists the current Polling Districts and Polling Places
•             Maps containing each of the Polling Districts in Highland
•             Use “Find your Polling Place” which allows electors to identify their Polling District and Polling Place
•             Online survey

Alternatively, you may wish to make representations as follows:-
•             By post – Election Office, Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX
•             By email -
•             By telephone – 01463 702945

As detailed in the Notice of Review, any representations should be made not later than Friday 7 February 2014 for comments on the current Polling Districts and Polling Places.

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