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Skye Ward Forum 2nd December

Added on 10 December 2013

At the recent Ward Forum held on the 2nd December one of the topics covered focused on communication between Highland Council and Community Councils, during the discussion a number of areas of concern were raised which as Ward Manager I said I would follow up on:

1.       Forward electronic link for logging issues with the Councils Customer Relationship Management system (CRM LAGAN).


2.       Circulate a contact list of roles and responsibilities within Council Services.


3.       Community Council minutes to be circulated to Council Services where issues relating to their work had been raised at a meeting.


4.       Correspondence with Council Services to be copied to elected Members and the Ward Manager where no response had been received.

Response to date as follows:

1.       Currently there is no public electronic link to the CRM LAGAN system, however, the link below takes you to a page on the Council Web site that gives the following information:
                A link that enables you to record a comment or compliment, report a complaint and a link to the customer service strategy.

2.       The page that the above link takes you to also includes information on:

The Service Centre numbers such as Roads, Planning and General Enquiries.

Council out of hours numbers for Health & Social Care, Roads and Housing.

A link for other emergency numbers.

Email directory for Highland wide Council Services and Councillors.

Service point details including what they can deal with face to face and Council Services they can provide access to.

Contacts for Senior Managers and Councillors, the 7 Council Services Highland wide and Area wide for Ross, Skye & Lochaber.


In addition I am trying to pull together a separate document relating to Local Service Contacts and will forward this ASAP.


3.       I have been forwarding Community Council minutes to TEC Services as I receive them to the email and I would suggest that from now on if Community Councils record any TECS issues within their minutes that they copy them to the above TECS email address. When I forward the Local Service Contacts document it will hopefully have the most appropriate email address for all other Services and at this point I would suggest that Community Councils copy in any Services that are recorded within their minutes.


4.       As discussed at the Ward Forum it would be appropriate to copy the Members and Ward Manager into any correspondence with Services where issues have not been addressed/answered.

Willie McKinnon  Ward Manager

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